"Yo te voy amor. Quando digas too. Y te abrasares. Baby toda la noche"
How did I get here? How did I get to be sitting on my friends kitchen counter, belting out the lyrics to "I'll make love to you" in Spanish with no definitive plan with my life.
I consider it to be the last hoorah of college. The last time we, the wolf gang, were really at it in full force. Of course, we hadn't decided to call ourselves "The Wolf Gang" until homecoming weekend the following year when we all returned to visit, but I think deep d
own we always knew.
Snow my god...
I'm not really sure how or where to begin this story. So I'll begin with a cat fight. Literally. My roommate Lindsay wanted to get a cat. I am highly highly highly allergic to cats so I told her I don't think so. She didn't like that answer and, like the mature adult she is, told me she did not believe that I was allergic to cats and would get a cat anyway.
The thing I loved most about Lindsay was her consideration towards others. She really had a way of brightening someone's day. Not only that, but she was the least selfish person I've ever known.
Snow my god...

So I was pissed, so pissed that it began to blizzard! All I knew was I COULD not and WOULD not be trapped in a house with her for an unknown amount of time. Thus, Lynn and I made the journey to Wood Hills, the neighborhood next to ours where our friends live.
Our school had cancelled classes for the next 3 days due to inclement weather. What were 16,000 college students to do for 3 days with no obligations? You guessed it, SING AND DANCE!
We were singing and we were dancing until Ashley turned the music off and read the infamous text message.
"Its from Drew. He said Chi Sigma is still having their bid cell AND they are ALL still dressing up!"
It's tradition for Chi Sigma to dress up on their bid cell in various Halloween and funky costumes. It isn't, however, tradition for girls to be present and/or wearing costumes... until this year!
"Bahahaha are you gonna wear the feather hat that goes with it?"
"Nah, I was thinking of wearing my scream mask instead--mix things up a bit"
"Haha I'm gonna wear my Marie Antoinette wig!"
"Ahhh soo great!"
So we all got dressed, put make up on, ate, and called a cab.
"Sorry ma'am but their ain't no cabs drivin' in this here weather"
Crap! How were we suppose to get all the way across town if no cabs or buses were running?
On a normal, hot, breezy, sun-shining day, when the weather is perfect for walking, and the air smells like roses, we would not walk to Chi Sigma. We would not walk to Chi Sigma if they bribed us with food/presents/gifts. We would not walk to Chi Sigma if we were being chased by an ax-murder...it's just way to far. But, so I'm told, anything can happen on a snow day.
The journey began at around 1pm. The blizzard was in full force, winds blowing around 60miles an hour, snow accumulating 2 feet. Did I mention we were in costumes?
We walked out of the neighborhood, down the main road, and onto campus.
2pm. We were still on campus.
3pm. Arrived at Chi Sigma. We were short 2--they just couldn't make it. All the men of Chi Sigma were playing in the snow outside their house. They all stopped what they were doing as we approached.
"Carter, what are you doing here!? This is Chi Sigmas ONLY!"
"What? Drew told us to come.."
And with that, we walked inside and made ourselves comfortable.
We were able to find someone with 4 wheel drive to drive us back to Wood Hills. At this point it was finally nighttime and we weren't the least bit tired.
Back at Ashley's house we hung out in the kitchen and sang 90's songs. It was probably the best experience of my life, sitting there with my best friends, singing and dancing, in full-out costumes. I think I was also sentimental at the time because I knew the end was near--we would soon graduate and this lifestyle we'd grown accustom to would cease to exist.
Most of my friends lived in Wood Hills. They had a scooter club that would meet on Tuesdays and go for a ride. Ashley happened to be a member and had a scooter lying around.
"We...should totally....go scooter on the iced roads"
"That is a great idea Joanne"
So Joanne and I began racing each other down the icy roads on a scooter. We were wearing tons of layers, so when we fell it didn't hurt too much. We were having the time of our lives!
..Until I fell and slammed my wrist against the hard ice. It hurt. But, now that I know real pain is when your toe nail comes off, I would say it was probably a pain of 8 on a scale of 10. It's convenient that I have carpal tunnel syndrome. Due to my horrible pain from carpal tunnel, I carry a wrist brace around, to put on when I hurt. This is what I used the remainder of Snow My God to keep my wrist safe from the blizzard.
Snow my god was a learning experience. It was a time to grow, a time to love and a time to be care-free all at the same time. We knew when the snow melted all of this would be over both physically and metaphorically. We will always have the memories of Snow my god to cherish in our heart, even if just for a week, we were the queens of the world.
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