Monday, November 28, 2011

I Wonder Why He's Not Into Me?...

When it comes to dating, I like to consider myself a guru. I've had so many worthwhile experiences that I figured I should share them with you all, in hopes that I can pass my wisdom on.

I wonder why he's not into me....

(WARNING: these are very true stories!!)

  1. He said I had the worst eating habits he's ever seen and I need etiquette classes.
  2. I told him his business website sucks and I'd redo it for free.
  3. I told him to cut the chord with his mama and hang out with a real woman.
  4. I clogged his toilet with a poop the size of Alaska.
  5. I threw up in his bathtub because  i needed the toilet for the other half of my body.
  6. He couldn't find his boxers on my messy floor and when I finally found them and threw them at him--turns out they were not his.
  7. He gave me a fake name and has a girlfriend--which I learned by stalking him on facebook.
  8. I threw up on him.
  9. I told all his friends that THIS was going to be the one I marry.
  10. I made him buy me a whole pizza and then rubbed it in his face.
  11. I don't wear underwear and there was something wet in my woman area.
  12. He told me he had to focus on his Scrabble game for the next 4 months in order to win the Scrabble championship.
  13. He made out with my best friend in the backseat of the cab I was in.
  14. I told him his fingers were like Edward Scissors hand.
  15. I farted at an intimate moment...
For now, this is all I can think of. I know I'll think of more to add later!

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