Every morning the resort offered a free breakfast.
More coming soon...
Venga Zip Lining!
If you have never zip lined before, I highly recommend it! The thrill of the air whipping at you at full force while examining a tropical jungle is exhilarating. Edwin was our main zip line helper but he brought along with him Ronald, Marvin, and Nelson. Personally, my favorite was Ronald, as he only knew 4 english words (“hello”, “goodbye”, “break”, and “death”) and challenged my Spanish-speaking skills.
During a break, everyone was drinking their waters and I couldn't stand the silence. So naturally, I started to let the crew into our life, describing family secrets and what not.
“So, what’s weird is that Rachel didn’t even need to use your helmets for zip-lining because she has her own”
(This girl is weird, why is she talking?)
“Yea, hers is purple though.”
(what? why?)
“Well, when she was little she was at la playa and a big wave come and her cabeza go BOOM! And now, as you see, she is as she is. Very sad! Her parents (I point) are clearly good people for letting her stay at their house. And although her dog house in the back has no heater, she makes do with the cotton balls they gave her to keep her warm”
Needless to say, the entire crew was in hysterics and, surprisingly, didn’t doubt my story. The rest of the day they were paying EXTRA close attention to Rachel, for now she was a big liability. And, of course, Rachel did her best to play the part. At times Edwin was frustrated with Rachel but he clearly never dealt with a zip-liner that supplied her own helmet before. Perhaps now they will make a new rule.
A la playa
One day, Rach and I decided to separate from the family. We waited patiently at the bus stop for the arrival of el autobus but slowly became irritated when it did not appear. Many taxi cabs, and regular vehicles for that matter, stopped and asked if we wanted a ride but “no gracias,” we did not. Finally, a taxi slowed and the man spoke perfect english saying “I’m going to the beach anyway, the ride can be free.” Thus, we boarded the car and headed to the beach, feelin VIP status.
Upon entering the beach, we were greeted by all sorts of characters. One for buying chairs/umbrellas, a surf instructor, fish? only 4000 colones, “Jet skis--for you, fifty dollar chica”. Where to begin? We got a chair and settled down our belongings. ‘Coco Slater’ would not take
“no gracias” for an answer and we got him to teach us surf lessons for $20 a person for 2 hours. In between laughing hysterics, Rachel and I shortly learned the basics to riding the ocean. Easier done on land than in water but alas, it was time to put our skills to the test.
If at first you don’t succeed, pick yourself up and try again. If at second you don’t succeed, laugh about it and try again. If at third you don’t succeed, give up and smoke pot. And thats exactly what we did. Turned out not only was Coco Slater a renown surfer, but also a legal medical marijuana grower. Que fabolosa! We went behind the reefs, staring at the aqua blue ocean, and got ridiculously stoned.
Special Thanks
A special thanks to all our new friends who helped make this trip amazing!
Samuel (Sanchos taqueria) --ugh I will miss my mouthgasms! Even if your wife is a 300 pound Costa Rican woman, you are still cool in my book.
Tiffany and new husband (random ppl in restaurant)-- Thanks for pretending to care about our stories!
Mikal/Jeff/Coco Slater (surf instructor)-- thanks for....everything! I will miss riding the waves with you. I love that we can put a face to the stories we tell about you by viewing Facebook. Perhaps you could have one picture on there that displays your infamous mouth :)
Edwin and crew- Thanks for being extra nice and cautious with my friend Rachel. She doesn’t know how to say it but she thanks you!
Oscar (breakfast server)-- Thanks for eventually showing your true colors! A little old school in your style if I do say so myself, but young love is funny that way isnt it?
Davy (breakfast server)--thanks for putting up with us each morning. Thanks for being patient with our spanish and helping Rachel create naughty love letters in Espanol. Gracias!
Lady from Agua Azul-- Thanks for making my friend Rachel happy by saying she was a delightful eater. Everyone needs to know they are good at something and you truly made her day.
Zealand and family-- Thanks for being such a cute 2 year old Zealand. Zealand’s dad--thanks for being my #1 DILF and providing amazing eye candy our whole trip. If I happen to find a man half as amazing as you, I shall be a lucky lady. PS. Call me if your ever single--I think I’d make a wonderful step-mom.
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